Thursday, July 26, 2007

Meet some of our staff!!

This is Ashley....although she has been MIA for awhile we are looking forward to her return next week. She is the glue that holds us together. She is our keeper of files, cleaner of the office and the jump in and take control. We have missed her the last 2 months...she will die when she sees the mess we have waiting for her! heheh
Here is Jenna our D.Q, my right hand, my brain on Saturdays and the most out going, kind-hearted, girl. We are happy to have her on staff. She continues to strive for bigger and better things and her eye for photography is expanding everyday. She meets people and makes friends where ever she goes.
I love this photo
This is Amanda, let's see she is the quieter side of C.C. Put her between Jenna and I and the girl does not have a chance to talk. But her sweet spirit and her artistic perspective with pictures and layouts has a freshness that we are pleased to have. Not only is she shooting with us this summer but she is also slash nanny for Madi this summer and my little brothers girl-friend. It has been great having her around this summer and we don't look forward to loosing her at the end of the summer. Although she may still do work for us being in Indy (where they are going to school) at least we are hoping she will be different than having her here living with us and letting her creativity explore new ideas!!
As quiet as she is......she still makes us laugh at times.You just never know what she will do!