Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I am blessed!

I never really thought about the future...I mean when I was growing up..I thought about being a mom, a wife and dreamed a little about it ( a little..maybe). But I never really thought what kind of mom I would be or what kind of wife I would be and I guess I never really gave any thought to what I wanted to be when I "grew up". I just kinda fell into the path of you need to go to college and get a degree. I loved kids so hey I will be a teacher. A job I never really really thought about. And when I did think about it (2 years into college) I thought....Why would I want to be a teacher...I hated school. I have learning disabilities and school was tough for me let alone trying to teach it to someone else. But it is funny how God is REALLY in control even when you have lost control or never had it in the first place. While going to school I started working part time as a pre-school teacher and while doing that I realized my passion was for pre-school aged kids. NOT elementary or higher...one because I could teach them the ABC's and the 123's. I knew my shapes and colors. The lessons were easy...LOL no real math, only color by numbers and so on. So that lead me down the path of teaching pre-k for about 4-5 years. I loved it! I got to interact with all ages of kids. And so I thought I had found my calling. Don't get me wrong....I loved being with the older kids jr. high and Sr. high, even got involved in our youth group as a leader. But teaching them was a whole other story.

But then we knew it was time to start a family and thought maybe I would stay home but we would see. Well Pregnancy did not sit well with me. I was sick the entire time and when I say entire time I mean I lost more weight than I gained (wish I still had that problem ) and I usually always saw my food twice!! YUK I KNOW!! So anyways we had a beautiful little girl in September of 01. Just 7 days after 9-11. We welcomed Madison Paige into our lives. And life has never been more alive, more special or more passionate than it is with her in it. Shortly after she was born we did what all parents do with there new baby and went to have her pictures taken.

Olan Mills and a small fortune later I had pictures of Madi. I was shocked at how they did not give me the best pose of my baby girl in the 9.99 special but yet for 250.00 more I could get the best poses and sizes. So a few months later I tried again..Mommy and daughter pictures for Christmas presents...I wanted a simple pose..Me laying on my stomach with Madi resting on my back...simple request right? Wrong the girl could not understand what I was talking about and the pictures all were just ok. Soooooo, I went home started taking pictures of Madi on my own. Then doing it for a few friends and then a few more friends and then... a few months later Jason and I took a step back and realized we had a business in our hands. God had taken my love for children, my love for photography, my passion for art and being surrounded by people and He rolled them all up into what He had planned for my life. I became a photographer. A photographer that wants to capture the world that Our Almighty God created. My dad once said "I do not know what Brandy will be, but she will surrounded by people." And he was right. I love that I get to meet new people all the time and be apart of there lives. And give them something that will live on in the lives of there generations to come.

I stand in awe of what God does for me everyday. God took into consideration my stupid thinking that I could teach (knowing I never would) yet He still used that part of my life to mold me. I look back and I got to interact with kids and learn about them and I think my love for kids and my passion for them makes me a better photographer. God knew what He had in store for me and I am amazed because He has allowed me the privilege of doing something with my life that is absolutely amazing. I get to do something that I LOVE. And not just love every once in awhile....but LOVE every moment of everyday. I get to be a mommy to Madi 24/7 and still have a career that brings me happiness and contentment. I am blessed to be doing something like this. God gives us "gifts" and we will one day be able to use our "gifts" in heaven and knowing that He has blessed me to be able to take pictures of new born babies, and capture the love of a husband and wife on there wedding day, and create memorable pictures for the graduating senior is... breath taking. I am able to capture HIS creation, HIS masterpiece in each of us. But one day....someday.....I will stand in the presences of my Lord and Savior and He will allow me to use my Spiritual Gifts in heaven and I will be taking pictures of the most amazing Man to ever grace our presences. I will be able to take pictures of the most beautiful place in all the world, heaven. And to me all that makes me speechless......................................