Friday, February 22, 2008

Thank you to Jenna I have to take a moment and give a huge PRAISE to our Best Employee EVER!! You have all talked to her or meet her. She is my brain, my calendar, my sound off, my D.Q (Drama Queen)..she is the glue that holds our office work together. She is the girl behind the scenes with me that sometimes does not get noticed,
She is JENNA Kirk.....
Jenna has been with us for what seems like forever and she is not only a huge key in the flow of Creative Candids she is a huge piece of our family. I usually do not mix engagement pictures with such child like designs but Cars is Jenna's All time favorite and sooo I thought I would surprise her with this. Her whole bathroom is decorated with Cars.

Jenna...Thank you soooo much for all you do. We appreciate everything you do for us as a business and as a family. Life would not be the same with out you apart of it! You are by far the best employee we have had, you are LOYAL, TRUSTWORTHY, Creative, energetic, compassionate, and you love your is a passion and that what makes you so good. You love people, You love Madi ;-) and you are an amazing person. Your creativity and your goals have strengthened and expanded while you have been with us and we can not express enough to thankful we are.

If you would like to join me in thanking Jenna....leave your comments below!