Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Two friends need our prayers

A friend of our family was told she had a brain tumor..she is only Sophomore. They did operate and were able to remove part of the tumor. Please pray for this young girl. There are alot of decisions to be made and a long road ahead and I pray that Kailey and her family will feel God's love, His Grace...His presence and that a peace will come over them. I have known the Osborne's since... well I think since Kailey was like one!!! She is a sweet girl with a great spirit. I am sure she will come out on top with that great smile of hers..I just want Craig, Tonya, Craig Jr and Kailey to know through it all we are praying for you!!

I also have another close friend of mine (and my family)going through a rough time. Her little boy broke his leg, her husband had to have surgery after he threw his shoulder out and on top of taking care of a husband and a child (every mother/wife knows that in it self is a chore ;-)) Her husband came down with pneumonia and now is very sick and they had some really bad scares this weekend.

If you all could lift these two families up in your prayers that would be great!
The Osborne's and the Medlings! I know they appreciate it!!
